FoodCycle Bristol - We need your help!

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Every week FoodCycle Bristol collects surplus produce locally from Sainsbury’s and independent retailers, and use those ingredients to prepare nutritious meals to be served to the community.

Every Saturday they serve delicious meals to those who attend Barton Hill Settlement in Bristol, working in partnership with other local organisations and welcome a mix of wonderful people into the extended dining room.

FoodCycle Bristol is only made possible with the help of amazing volunteers, who give their time, enthusiasm and energy. There are volunteer opportunities available for people to cook, host guests and be involved in collecting the surplus food donations from local suppliers.

FoodCycle Bristol is currently looking for some committed cycling heroes to help rescue surplus food at 9am on Mondays or 10am on Saturdays. If you hate food waste but love cycling round your city, they would ‘wheeley’ love to have you!

Find out more and sign up to volunteer here -


Food Poverty Consultant, Buzz Lockleaze


Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter 18/19