Bristol Churches City Fund launches new Child Welfare Campaign

The Bristol Churches City Fund (BCCF) provides a wonderful platform to allow the Christian community to donate financial resources that can then be used in a strategic and targeted way to deliver the greatest positive impact.

The Fund was originally launched in 2018, and over that time has supported a number of key projects in the city. In 2020 the focus was on addressing food poverty, and in partnership with Bristol Noise we were able to raise over £130,000 to support foodbanks and support workers across the city.

Food poverty and insecurity is an ongoing challenge for many in our city, and the BCCF will continue to provide targeted support where it is needed during 2021.

Alongside this, the pandemic has led to increased pressure on family life, and the wellbeing of children and young people in particular.

The key focus for the BCCF over the coming year will therefore be on Child Welfare, with the aim to raise funds to support three strategic initiatives targeted at fostering and adoption (though Home for Good), supporting troubled children at primary school age (through Transforming Lives for Good) and supporting struggling teenagers (through Kintsugi Hope).

Funds raised through the generosity of Christians and churches across the city will be used to support three vitally important strategic initiatives.

- Fostering and Adoption: working with Home for Good
- Supporting Children: working with Transforming Lives for Good
- Supporting Teenagers: working with Kintsugi Hope

To donate and for more information visit

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Download a copy of this video: BCCF CHILD WELFARE CAMPAIGN (with subtitles) 127.5MB

BCCF CHILD WELFARE CAMPAIGN (with subtitles) 127.7MB