Fishponds Churches Response to COVID-19
Below is a list of contact numbers for local Fishponds Churches who have all agreed they would be happy to be contacted by any patient wanting phone/remote prayer support.
We hope this is helpful.
Fishponds Churches
St John’s Church, Lodge Causeway (Church of England) - Revd Jordan Ling 0117 3304 953
St Mary’s Church, Manor Road (Church of England) & All Saints Church, Grove Road (Church of England) - Revd Lizzie Kesteven 0117 9650856
St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Forest Road (Catholic) - Father Paul, 0117 9833912
Life Church Bristol, Forest Road (Assemblies of God), Text: 07520 631541, John Doherty 07776287108,
Fishponds Baptist Church, Downend Road (Baptist), Church Office - 0117 9653421