#HopeOnFilm 1: Social Prescribing
(Press play to watch our HopeOnFilm: Social Prescribing video above or click here to watch it on Youtube)
Social Prescribing is about improving health, social, physical and emotional wellbeing.
It provides a pathway from health/social services, education and charities to refer and link people to non-medical services and sources of support within their community. Link workers consult with individuals, discuss options and help signpost people to local groups.
Across the city, churches already in effect provide thousands of hours of social prescribing through the wide range of activities they provide. These are every-day groups for people toddlers, children, teenagers, young adults, families, older people, etc
There are strains on health resources and gaps in well-being provision.
30% of people who go to a doctor, don’t go because of a clinical medical reason but due to a social one.
Activities that promote wellbeing, increase social connections, and encourage social inclusion provide real and significant value for people living in the local community.
Churches are embedded long-term in the community, for the community. So, we are well placed to help bridge some of that shortfall through acts of compassion, connection and simply noticing individuals.
Social Prescribing provides an incredibly helpful way for churches to connect and serve their local community. We want to celebrate that but also encourage each other:
To look out for ways to support and be part of existing local groups and social prescribing initiatives.
As local churches, to connect with local needs by introductions to local doctors surgeries, schools, care homes etc. Individuals looking for help meet with link workers who make suggestions and help signpost them to groups. The more they are aware of what a church can help provide, the better.
To carry on doing what you are already doing! As a city, let’s be thankful for the work of God’s Kingdom and the many places and spaces, shapes and sizes it comes in!
Also Christian Action Bristol have funded a database of church activities across the city. Check out this article on ‘How to get your activities on the Social Prescribing database?’
Download the #HopeOnFilm Social Prescribing Film & Press Pack
We’re created a set of resources that allow you to use this content as part of your presentation and social media. Inside the press pack is the above film as well as a presentation, graphics and additional notes. Download the #HopeOnFilm Social Prescribing Film here via Dropbox.
An introduction to Social Prescribing from Charlie Ferdinando
Charlie Ferdinando is Health and Wellbeing Team Leader for Southmead Development Trust. He shares with us some more thoughts and resources…