CIS - a Christian Perspective: Caring for the Earth


25/01/19 – Christian’s In Science - Our Fragile Planet - a Christian Perspective: Caring for the Earth 2

This is part of the “Our Fragile Planet – a Christian Perspective” series of lectures.

This series of lectures will look at the Biblical mandate for caring for our world and the science that lies behind the challenges we face. The intention is that the lectures should not only inform about the objective facts and controversies, but also look at how God’s people can respond both as individuals and corporately, and in a manner that balances the needs of individuals with the need to safeguard the future of our planet.

During this lecture, Dr Martin Hodson will talk about sustainable agriculture issues in relationship to population increases and the effects of climate change.

When: Friday 25th January 2019, 7pm for 7.30 start
Where: Redland Church Hall, Redland Green Rd, Bristol BS6 7HE

For more information, check out or contact Dr Christina Biggs


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