Global Aware Bristol - The Festival of Transformation


09/02/19 – Global Aware Bristol - The Festival of Transformation

Inspired by God's Kingdom values and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the focus of this event will be on positive empowerment to bring change, practical opportunities and what can be done together, rather than allowing the enormity of the issues to generate paralysis.

This event aims to inspire and encourage action for a sustainable and hopeful world, to overcome the common narrative of division and fear.

Themes for workshops and presentations will include:

    • Responding to climate change

    • Integral Mission

    • Plastics and waste

    • SDGs - God's Global Goals?

    • Political response to the SDGs, locally and nationally

    • Inspiring stories of transformation from around the world

    • Feeding Bristol, feeding the world

Key issues will be explored through a series of TED-style talks and films, as well as workshops and stalls. Confirmed speakers include Ruth Valerio and Chris Wright.

If an organisation you are involved with would like to have a stall at the event, please contact Jon: or book online


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