Climate and Biodiversity Crisis and the Impact of Food Procurement

Bristol sustainable food

Food is essential for everyone. What we eat, how we eat, who we eat with and why we eat what we do; this all has an impact on food production and food procurement, as well as our health. The climate and biodiversity crises mean our food choices are now under even more scrutiny than ever. With food and farming producing up to 30% of all global greenhouse gases, changes to our food procurement practice must be one of our top priorities in 2020.

With much of the information provided by the press in attention-grabbing soundbites, this exciting conference will review the climate and biodiversity crisis and the food impacts associated with it. It will then aim to distil this overwhelming topic down into bite-size, manageable chunks. Delegates will be able to leave the conference with a better understanding of the key concepts and plenty of ideas for how they will take action.

When: Thursday 14 November 2019, 9am - 4pm

Where: Bristol City Council, College Green BS1 5TR

Price: Free of charge. Register here. (£25 charge for non-attendance without notice)

Who should attend: This conference is aimed at organisations and people who procure, buy or source food; provide food for others; or who have influence over any of those decisions.

Find out more about this event here.

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Supporting Recovery, Growing Faith - 2020 Training Dates


Bristol Going for Gold